We Love Our Community!
Our Sunday services are at 9 & 11 am. Deep Brook location (Lions Club #948 Hwy 1) on Tuesday at 7 pm. Listen in by clicking the 'podcast' tab on the left side. Come and enjoy fellowship and a coffee.
So grateful for our Digby RCMP who work hard to make our community safe. We pray for you all and for your families. Know that we grieve with you through this present mess in NS. Thank you for your service and know that you are appreciated each day!
Podcast has been fixed. Click on the "Podcast" tab on the left. Then, "Click to Listen".
Sunday, April 5, 2020
NOTICE: The Podcast Provider is having issues. There will be no podcast until they can fix it on their end. We may be looking into a new provider... Stay tuned for updates. You can watch the worship and service from Palm Sunday April 5, 2020 through Facebook on the link below.