Monday, October 30, 2017

Thanks to everyone who came out to "Helping Heat"!

We had a great group show up at 7 am!  
Four Families were blessed with this project...chunked split and delivered!
Many hands make light work!
It was a beautiful thing to be a part of loving our community!
More Pics on our Facebook page!
Thanks to all who dropped off snacks and lunch throughout the day!   
A little over 10 cord done before 1:30 pm!
Mercy Ministries and Community Beacon making Digby County a little brighter!
Thanks to each and every one who gave of their time and gear to make this project happen!

Friday, October 6, 2017

Congrats to Captain Paul Gidney!

Congratulations to Paul Gidney at the Worlds.
He posted a person best world total of 732.5 kg.
He also brought  home a silver medal in the 

deadlift with a 295 kg pull.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Student Ministries Kick Off!

Wednesday Sept 27th.  Primary to Grade 5.  
6:30 pm till 8 pm.
*Parents or guardians must register each night with a sign in and sign out of your child.
Friday Sept 29th!   Grades 6-12!   7 pm till 9 pm.

Sunday 9 & 11 am. Tuesday 7 pm.

Sunday we are kicking off a new series!  Come on out and join in...if Sunday is busy, come out on Tuesday!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Thanks to the guys who came out to help with the back deck! Painting the building is next!

 Falling down was an understatement!  This old back deck served us well but it was time!

 New construction with some great company!  An awesome night!